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Monthly Members' Meeting


Members of the Society of Women Writers WA meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Meetings are held at:

Citiplace Community Centre 

on Perth Railway Station Concourse 

(above Platform 9)


The meeting room is open from 12.00 to allow members to gather, chat and be seated ready for a prompt 12.15 start.  Meetings conclude about 2.00 pm

The cost per meeting for members is $5.00, and for non-members / visitors is $6.00

These meetings bring members up to date on events within the Society and in the wider writing community, as well as providing an opportunity for socialising with other writers. Guest speakers are often invited to give talks or workshops on matters relating to writing.

Members can also book a time during these sessions to launch a book or avail the membership of news items they wish to share.,


Bi-monthly, after the Guest Speaker or topic of the day, a Nuts and Bolts session covers topics of interest to writers, delivered by accomplished writers, covering subjects such as the craft of writing, writing trends, marketing and publishing. If you have a question or writing dilemma, come along and put it forward.

On the alternative month, following the General Meeting and guest speaker, the Book Editors Club commences. The Book Editors group assesses a member's offered manuscript, which they have had two months to review, and discusses their findings with the author in an hour-long session. Manuscripts should be at publication stage before being offered.